Monday, March 28, 2011

Move Review: Sucker Punch with Blake and Graham

***Warning Possible Spoilers***

Lobotomize me baby!!! I said, Lobotomize me Baby! Yeah what can I say about Sucker Punch other than WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST WATCH? Capitalized to emphasize my “I might just leave at the half way point” moment and that doesn’t happen often with this reviewer. I sat through My Soul To Take, and Battle:LA, this year so I put my man foot down and decided to stay.

Let’s get down to it, first and for most, yes some of the scenes are beautiful. But from the director of 300, and Watchmen, I’d expect as much. Though they were beautiful I wouldn’t call them innovative, it was the same slow motion, sword fighting, bullet dodging, fire breathing dragon killing, slow motion we’ve seen in about ten other films in the last year. I mean come on I think we’ve seen a girl dressed up like Sailor Moon dodge enough bullets by the last thread of her three inch skirt for at least five months. Anyway, so she creates an alternate reality for herself, then adds another layer to this alternate reality when she dances in that reality, I mean performs sexual favors in reality, confused yet? ok I get it but she’s only been in the psych ward for less than twenty four hours and let’s not forget she went in a s a sane patient, does she really need a coping mechanism this early? Me thinks Zach Snyder was on LSD when he watched Inception then immediately went home and wrote this script.

Anyway, so she creates a second reality within the alternate reality when she dances. Ok cool some action, oh look a temple is that really? No it can’t be is that Mr. Miyagi? Oh wait no it’s just a guy that looks and sounds just like Spock he even has the weird Vulcan ears. Ok so this man is her spirit guide within her alternate reality, cool beans now let’s get to some ass kicking, girl in a mini skirt and heals sword fighting. Oh shit she just got kicked by a 12 foot iron samurai fifty feet backwards, through a wooden door. Oh wait she then stands up without a scratch and is perfectly fine to go all super saiyan on his ass and his two buddies. First “trial” down four to go, well let’s keep this short you get to see her do her best Will Smith in I robot impression, then get to see her fight zombie robot nazi, and then she fights a fucking dragon, did I mention she kills a baby dragon by pulling its head back and cutting the poor babies throat while it cries for its mother. At this point, I found myself fist pumping for the mother dragon hoping she would persevere against these monsters and end the movie for us all, but she failed sadly.

Ok, she has all the random crap she needed to escape awesome! I mean three of the five girls are dead at this point, the fire alarm goes off and all the doors unlock…wait a minute? If the fire alarm unlocked all the exits then why not just do this from the get go? Anyway, they make it outside, the excitement is building, she’s almost home free. Oh crap five guys in black suits waiting to rape any young would be escaping burlesque performer, I mean psych ward patient. Then she gets the bright idea that Mr.Miyspocky has always wanted her to sacrifice herself because this isn’t her story, it’s the other random blonde in the movie that has almost zero character development outside of, she went into a psych ward, I mean burlesque for her younger sister who had mommy/daddy doesn’t treat me right emo issues.

Well in the end she escapes, at the cost of her sister, her friends, and her pale side kick baby doll. By the way what the hell is up with Spock showing up at the end as the bus driver that will take this escaping psych ward patient home? So this guys their guardian angel, I guess that’s the entire point. But for god knows why he is a bus driver who during this entire movie has never met or spoken to Baby Doll outside of her own twisted alternate reality. So it makes perfect since that the guy would be the bus driver and somehow know all about everything that’s transpired at this psych ward in the last week. Again, this crazy bitch has only been at this psych ward for a week, and she somehow gets three people killed, the oldest of the girls freed, and herself lobotomized. Yes she forged documents to get herself lobotomized after only being at the psych ward for less than a week. Winona Ryder had more balls in the Girl, Interrupted, and she didn’t kill a dragon, zombie nazi, or the robots from I Robot. So in the end, Baby Doll is basically brain dead after being in a Psych ward for less than a week, three other patients are dead, a room has been destroyed by fire, and an the orderly who looked like Gomez Adams is arrested for being a pedophile. So there thank me or hate me I just saved you the cost of a ticket at your local theater.

Ok, so this movie had so much going for it. Emily Browning, Light-of-My-Eyes, from such great films as The Uninvited and Ghost Ship kicking ass in a short skirt? With swordfights and gunfights and zombies and dragons? And the possibility of a story that makes all of this kinda make sense? Plus all the Zack Snyder cool camera shit. And some pretty decent music . I mean, watch the trailer. It’s incredible. I wish “When the Levee Breaks” had actually been in the movie.

However, even I, who did my best to be a superfan for this film, was disappointed. And I ask myself, is there any way this movie could have been saved? Here are my ideas:

1. Make it rated R. I mean, come on. Stop all this hinting at pandering to your demographic and actually show us blood and heads being chopped off and titties. Make the already dark story make more sense by raising the stakes instead of pretending that all the girls do is dance. Which reminds me…

2. Show the fucking dancing. A major plot point in this film is that Emily Browning is such an amazing dancer that all who watch her are transfixed and the antihero Polish/Russian whatever ballerina/whore is impressed enough to help her. How much of her dancing is shown in the film (not counting one of the most confusing credits sequences ever?). 0 minutes and 0 seconds if you don’t count a little bit of shoulder swaying. I mean, for all the skimpy outfits there’s little actual sensuality in the movie.

3. The beginning. To care about characters, we need to develop a rapport with them, understand where they come from. We know that tragedy has befallen Emily Browning (boy, she just doesn’t have any luck with her guardians. Which may be her fault too since she’s killed or injured multiple ones in her acting career) but why should we care about her, or any of the girls? Nothing definite or relatable is shared about their backstories. For all we know they’re just crazy whores. Maybe that’s the point.

4. Making this movie actually empowering for women. Every time we have a female protagonist in an action movie someone is sure to say “hey, that’s empowering to women”. It’s at the very least implied. Not so here. After kicking ass in Never-Neverland, every single woman in the movie gets the crap instantly beat out of her if she stands up to a man. Even Emily Browning’s final gambit involves walking up to a bunch of dudes and metaphorically bending over and taking it for the team. What the hell? Can’t five girls in real life overpower ONE guy at least once? Jesus. Speaking of which…

5. Fucking finish someone off, Emily. She just keeps wounding these psychopaths and running away. How can this possibly help her? Hasn’t she heard about waking bears and elephants always remembering? I mean, in both of these scenarios (shooting step daddy in the beginning and defending herself from Blue in the end) she had every right to defend herself with deadly force, and it would have saved her.
All of these are annoying points, but here’s the one thing that would have made this movie awesome:

6. Being even a little more self-aware. I mean, crack another joke. Be honest about how sexist and dumb the movie was. Cater to the demographic and say “hey, isn’t it funny how everything in this movie is designed to get me, Zack Snyder off? I am literally directing this with one hand”. Unfortunately, only Jon Hamm can see this, prophesying for us all at the end “Did you see that? I mean, did you see that?”
I’m so sorry Sucker Punch. I dreamed of you being so much more. Someone give Emily Browning a good role. Maybe being Emma Stone’s little sister in a movie about them being sex therapists. I would watch the hell out of that.

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